Introducing Executive Purrducer & Voiceover Catress… Maumau “Mau” Kitty!
In 2019, Mau decided she had enough of the tough suburban streets and adopted us as her pets. One night, she strolled up our driveway, did a somersault, and rolled over for us to pet her belly. She was very friendly and chatty in spite of being so skinny and seemingly on her own (no collar). We don’t have many outdoor kitties in our area due to the danger of coyotes and other predators. But since she was so friendly, we assumed she had a home and wasn’t feral. Sadly, the next time she came by to visit we spotted two puncture wounds on her head. We took her inside and made sure she was ok, tried to find her owners, but no one claimed her. So she claimed us.
And this is her film debut. As Executive Purrducer, she supurrvised the entire production. She was a harsh task master and honestly, a bit of a diva. But she had a vision. She put a lot of effort into purrfecting her vocalizations, insisting on several takes to get each “meow” just right. And she nailed it. Previous voiceover experience includes yowling, aggressive purring, and high-decibel caterwauling.